Monday, October 6, 2008

October 7

Oct 7 - Today from Proverbs 7 we look at verses 16-18 & 27
" 'I have covered my bed with colored linens from Egypt. I have perfumed my bed with myrrh, aloes and cinnamon. Come, let's drink deep of love till morning; let's enjoy ourselves with love!' . . . Her house is a highway to the grave, leading down to the chambers of death."

Proverbs chapter seven contains a rather lengthy narrative of a simple young man who lacks moral conviction being seduced by a clever adulteress. Within the narrative we see two descriptions of the same house, found in today's verses. The first description is that which is experienced through the senses and is spoken by the seducing wife. The second can only be seen through the discerning heart of one who looks from an eternal perspective and is spoken by the Teacher. Although the two descriptions give quite a radical contrast, they are both accurate.
The first description is accurate in that it gives a physical description. It speaks of colors, scents and textures that arouse and please the senses. The simple - people without wisdom and discernment - are most often led by their senses. Thus, the seductress speaks a very sensual word-picture to her prey, enticing him to come and experience all she has up till now only described to him. The problem here is, that what she has just described is morally wrong. No matter how gratifying the temporary act is to the 'flesh' (where our senses are found), there are still consequences to moral failure.
The second description is accurate in that it gives a spiritual description. It speaks of death - separation and isolation. We would err if we were to apply the physical description to death (separation of spirit and body), when we are speaking of spiritual matters. The first spiritual separation that occurs when we give into moral failure is between ourselves and our God. It is not that He wants to be separated from the morally corrupt, it is more that the morally corrupt cannot abide in the presence of a Holy God any more than darkness can abide in the presence of light. It is a consequence, not a decision. God's decision is to love, and to find a way to restore the morally corrupt unto Himself - to remove the record of their failure that they may abide in His presence. Thus, the blood of the perfect sacrifice, the Lord Jesus Christ. It is through His blood that our stain is removed and we can come into the presence of God. His Holiness will not consume us as light consumes darkness because we are made light in Christ. As we continue to confess and repent of our failures, we continue to be perfected. When we choose to follow our sensual desires and yield to the seductions of the world, we become separated in our intimate relationship with God. . . even as born-again, heaven-bound believers.
Then, death and the grave continue their work in separation and isolation - in our relationships with others. Not sometimes. Not most of the time. All of the time. It is the very nature of sin. That is why God so hates sin. He created man to live in a serving community, in unbroken relationship with Himself and with one another. Sin fractures that community. There is no sin in colored sheets, pleasing fragrances and interesting textures. They are but sensual lures to entice a victim into an immoral act. The Teacher does not warn the student to avoid things pleasing to the senses, but to look at the deeper moral issues: What purpose do these sensual things serve? If they were to enhance the sensual relationship between a husband and wife, they would serve as an enrichment to a moral relationship. If they were to enhance the sensual relationship to anyone outside of a couple joined in a covenant relationship before God, they are but tools of separation and isolation - moral failure. There is no gray area here.
So it is with any sensual stimulus. If it is purposed for use within the bounds of moral conviction, it can serve to enhance God's purposes. If it is used to draw us away from moral behavior, it becomes a tool of separation and isolation. Moral corruption is not found in sensual things, but is found in the improper intent for which those things are being used.
Madison Avenue is synonymous with commercial advertising in our nation. Madison Avenue has perfected the art of sensual enticement. It does not sell a pair of blue jeans; it sells the sensuality of the person wearing the jeans. It does not sell a new car; it sells the sensuality of the person driving the car. It is a very strong force - and God's people must be a people of conviction and discernment in order to live in His purposes. He gives grace - we just have to learn how to live in that grace.
"Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit." -Galatians 5:24, 25

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