Jan 31 - Today from Proverbs 31 we look at verse 16
"She considers a field and buys it; out of her earnings she plants a vineyard."
Being both a man and a husband, it is difficult to personally apply verses 10-31. So, whenever I read this chapter I frame it with Paul's words from Ephesians 5 where he speaks of the relationship between husband and wife, and in verse 32 he says, "This is a profound mystery - but I am talking about Christ and His church." As a member of Christ's church, I can definitely use personal application to the Proverbs 31 wife.
In the verse before us we see a wise, thoughtful, and industrious wife. Too seldom do we think of the church as industrious. "She considers a field." To consider something is to carefully think through it. What field is the church to consider? Areas of possibility where there currently is no productive activity. "She buys it." To buy is to invest oneself. The church is to invest herself in areas where there is currently little or no kingdom productivity. "She plants a vineyard." Ah! Here is what the church is to do in barren fields. In John 15 Jesus says, "I am the vine and you are the branches." We are to extend His vineyard. Sounds quite simple doesn't it? If the church is to be a 'wife of noble character', then one of her characteristics is to be considering her field of labors, and busying herself in planting the gospel in those fields.
Too often the church is content to sit in her small field and enjoy her own fruit. "Why risk investing in larger fields? We have all we need right here." In the eyes of our 'Husband', that is an ignoble thought. He has fully invested Himself in the harvest, and He wants His bride to be of the same heart and mind.
'The Prayer of Jabez' has become a book of considerable focus. Everyone who reads it and comments on it, but few have let it penetrate - particularly in a corporate sense. The bride seems to have no sense of industry. Does she no longer consider fields? In her history, our church has planted several vineyards throughout the area. Most have grown to become healthy and productive churches.
"Those were the days," say the old-timers. Why not today? We are still commissioned and empowered to make disciples. Where has our corporate nobility gone? When did the church stop being community-minded and focus on being congregation-minded?
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Hi Ken, what do you mean when you bring up the prayer of Jabez? You just touch on it you don't explian how that relates.
'The Prayer of Jabez: Breaking Through to the Blessed Life' was a small book written by Bruce Wilkinson in 2000. At that time the book was the 'rage' of many evangelicals when Bruce almost formed a doctrine of prayer and how to make it work to prosper your life. It is based on one verse; 1 Chronicles 4:10.
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