Friday, February 29, 2008

March 1

Mar 1 - Today from Proverbs 1 we look at verse 7
"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge but fools despise wisdom and discipline."

Without acknowledging and revering the Lord, one does not even begin to have a frame of reference for understanding the meaning and purpose of life. Without understanding the meaning and purpose of life, one will never know how to properly deal with life. People who do not acknowledge the Lord are ‘fools’.
A second thought has to do with the suffix '-ish'. One can be a successful fifty-year-old company executive and still be caught acting 'childish' at times, though he or she certainly is not a child. So it is with a believer who fails to acknowledge the Lord in any certain circumstance. Although he or she may not be a fool, one can still act 'foolish' at times. Those are the times when one chooses to ignore God's instruction and/or discipline. Even though we may not have to suffer the eternal consequences of a genuine fool (The fool says in his heart 'There is no God.' -Psalm 14:1), we can still experience the temporary consequences of being foolish when we ignore the clear instruction of God's Word.
By acknowledging the Lord and understanding the meaning and purpose of life, we develop a love and appreciation for His Word. By keeping our relationship with Jesus a priority, we experience His grace and ability to do His Word.
Why be foolish?

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