Mar 16 - Today from Proverbs 16 we look at verse 4
"The Lord works out everything for His own ends - even the wicked for a day of disaster."
Have you ever been angry with God? I have. I don't think it's such a terrible thing if one is willing to work through their anger with God. After all, you are to be in a relationship with God, and it is quite natural for misunderstandings to arise in the best of relationships. When that happens, Jesus gives sound counsel in Matthew 18:15, "If your brother sins against you, go and show him his fault, just between the two of you." Of course, God never sins. But the principle of this command is for us to be confrontational when we are offended. If you are upset with God, don't walk away from Him, don't rebel against Him, but go to Him and humbly lay your case before Him. And then be still. Search the scriptures and search your heart. God desires to reveal Himself and to lead us in truth. In some instances you may not get an answer that clarifies - but he promises that you will get an answer that gives peace. "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." -Phil. 4:6,7
I remember being angry with God when Communism in Romania fell. I was serving with the Christian relief organization Dorcas Aid. There, in far eastern Romania, we discovered some of the most heart-wrenching inhumane circumstances imaginable. It was an institution (we could not call it a hospital by any stretch of the imagination), in which AIDS babies were put away until their eventual death. They were kept in small steel-barred cubicles, lying on filthy mattresses and rags (their own filth), often two, three and even four to a 'crib'. The attendants dared not touch them for fear of the disease. These few words cannot begin to describe the horror of the scene. It shakes one to the core of your very soul. "God! If you are sovereign, and loving and caring, how can you possibly allow this to happen to innocent little babies and toddlers?" You wrestle with it for days. How can God be glorified in this? Textbook theology goes out the window. This is real, and it is not easily satisfied with the ramblings of theologians. If God is in complete control of everything that happens, then He is responsible for this!
Go to the scriptures, beginning with today's. "God works out everything for His own ends. . ." Or the very familiar Romans 8:28; "In all things God works for the good of those who love Him. . ." Thus we enter into a mystery, and because mysteries cannot be explained or fully understood, we will never come to a full understanding of the 'whys' of such human tragedies. The answer lies in the mystery of God's sovereignty and of man's free will; of God's eternal being and man's mortal being. Man exists in time and space. God transcends time and space. Sinful man corrupts and perpetrates evil in this world. Sovereign God takes that which was meant for evil and turns it to good. It wasn't good when it happened, and God did not cause it to happen. But in His sovereignty and in His transcendent state, He will ultimately work it out for His purposes. Nothing will stop, or even hinder the plan of God. That is one of the many unique attributes of our God and Father. No other being can make such a claim, because there is none like Him!
As I said, we may never get an answer that clarifies. But we can know His peace. We can come to a place of absolute trust in the sovereignty and justice of God, and we can move on. What happened to the Children's AIDS institution? Dorcas Aid discovered again that this was an opportunity to glorify God. Working with a local church as a partner, and using three volunteer nurses from the Netherlands, it was turned into a real hospital. For the first time in their short lives the babies and toddlers were loved and cared for. New beds and bedding were brought in. Industrial washing machines were donated. Walls were painted, floors were scrubbed, toys and stuffed animal by the hundreds were given. Local volunteer staff members were trained not to fear, but to pick up the children, hug them, love them, and nurture them. The result was a miracle. The babies were transformed from frightened animals into loving, laughing little children. Some as young as three and four years old came to know and profess Jesus. Really! And when these precious little souls passed on from this life to eternity, there were people who genuinely mourned their passing. A true sign that they were loved. The church also gained respect in the community. Many were inclined to listen to their message. Many who were ashamed of what the world discovered in their back yard came forward to help, and they too found Jesus through the practical love displayed for these tiny social outcasts.
I suppose one never fully gets past the initial horror of such an experience. But by being honest with God, and by being faithful to His response, we can through patience and practical love see the power of God's love work out even the worst of situations for His glory.
How about you? What are you anxious about today? What might you be angry with God about? He’s waiting to hear from you. And, He's waiting to show you something if you will be still and listen. He wants to give you His peace. And then He wants you to be a part of the solution. God gives grace.
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