Jun 11 - Today from Proverbs 11 we look at verse 25
"A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed."
I have (re)learned a profound truth this year. It is more clear to me now than it has ever been in my life. It has 'raised the bar' for me in my Christian walk. As I read the scriptures through this truth, I am able to better understand - it has been like a corrective lens for my spirit. What is this great truth? It is the purpose for which God had created man, and the place to which the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ has restored me - I am a servant. God created me to live in a vital relationship with Himself, and to live out that relationship in service to my fellow man. I was born in sin, which had corrupted God's purpose for me. I was alienated from God, and I was self-serving. Only through the shed blood of Jesus and the gift of the Holy Spirit was I able to be restored to my original purpose. Now God offers me mercy each day so that I do not have to live under the crushing burden of my failures, and grace each day that I might overcome the weaknesses of self and live in the strength of Christ.
In discovering anew that I am a servant, I have also rediscovered that I am a steward. I don't own anything, I only handle that which belongs to the Master. This is not oppressive - it is freeing. I am free to be generous - and the most refreshing way to be generous is by the leading of the Master. I readily confess, I still must battle self when it comes to service and giving. Self wants to be in charge, and to be generous first to self. This may be self-gratifying for the moment, but it is never refreshing. Refreshing comes from God, and we experience His refreshing when we are living out His purposes for us. When we are generous with His gifts under His guidance, we refresh others. We are being agents of His kingdom.
The generous man will prosper - but not necessarily by the definition self uses. Prosperity is not simply having a lot of money. I know some very wealthy people who are not prospering at all. Prosperity is a property of the soul. When a man prospers in his soul, he is content, he is fulfilled, and he is confident. It has little to do with material wealth. I also know a few wealthy men who are prospering. They are some of the most generous people I know. They are servants and stewards, and they have refreshed countless of others because they are prospering. They honor their Master.
One needs not be wealthy in order to be generous. Financial assistance is not the only thing people around us need. We can be generous with our time. Some shut-ins need a friend to talk to, or some kids need a mentor to help them, or some may need a skilled person to come and make some repairs. We need to look around and be sensitive to the Spirit. We can be generous with our gifts. Perhaps the church needs a Sunday School teacher or some other ministry position filled. Perhaps we need to open our home to some folks who are 'unattached'. Perhaps we can help some people get their finances straightened out by teaching them budgeting skills. Whatever your gifts - I can assure you, there are people out there who could be refreshed by them. We can be generous with our attitudes. A kind word, a cheerful greeting, a smile in the middle of a busy day - or what would happen if when a person shared a concern with you if you led them aside to a quiet place and you prayed for them?
There is one more observance found in this proverb - refreshing comes after generosity. That's just the way it is. Self enjoys the 'comfort zone'. Generosity moves us out of the comfort zone. The comfort zone is ordinary - even for 'extreme' people. It is ordinary for them to do 'extreme' things. Generosity is extraordinary. The Spirit prompts you out of the comfort zone, you obey and perform some extraordinary (for you) act of service, and you discover fulfillment, contentment and confidence. You were refreshed!
People who mature in the faith are people who have grasped this truth. How can a woman spend her entire adult life living amongst and giving of herself to the poorest and most destitute of the world? It would seem that her soul would be leeched and she would shrivel up and blow away. But instead she lived in the constant refreshing of God, and became known as one of the most extraordinary world figures in her day. You may argue with Mother Teresa's theology, but you can't argue with her servant attitude. In that respect, she looked just like her Master. So strong was her influence, that she moved many others out of their comfort zones, and even after her death she remains an inspiration to many.
You don't have to move to Calcutta to be generous today. Be aware of those around you, be aware of opportunities, and be sensitive to the Holy Spirit. God is working all around you, and He invites you to join Him. Step out - and be refreshed!
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