Tuesday, July 22, 2008

July 23

Jul 23 – Today from Proverbs 23 we look at verses 4, 5 & 15, 16
"Do not wear yourself out to get rich; have the wisdom to show restraint. Cast but a glance at riches, and they are gone, for they will surely sprout wings and fly off to the sky like an eagle.
My son, if your heart is wise, then my heart will be glad; my inmost being will rejoice when your lips speak what is right."

Investing is risky. It is an act of entrusting something of value to someone else and looking for an increased return. Investment is the common thought in these two very different passages. Some people's focus in life is to invest their money, time and talents in order to get rich. Investment is risky, and the overwhelming odds are that money will eventually fail. It's just that most people are convinced that it's not going to fail on their watch. When it does, there is political upheaval, broken dreams, great disappointment, and yes, even suicide.
The other focus of investment is in people. It is just as risky. Parents who care about their children invest much in them. Proper investment is to teach them wisdom. That is; Truth about the Creator. How to live properly in accordance with the ways of God. How to think through processes to the end. How to use the hard things in life as opportunities to grow in character. How to be a person of integrity. How to know and respect the value of life. How to show respect for others, etc. It is a lifetime of investment, and there is no greater joy then to see the returns on their investment as their children begin to show wisdom in their own decisions.
Although this proverb refers to a father/son relationship, the principle holds true to any mentoring relationship. Several times we see the humanity of Jesus when He would get exasperated with His disciples, "How long am I going to be with you?" Jesus was fully investing Himself in these twelve men and they didn't seem to be getting it. How it must have brought joy to His heart when they finally got it. Yes, they had the Holy Spirit, but the Holy Spirit needs a submitted heart. Jesus invested Himself in you and I as well. When we submit ourselves to His Spirit and begin to show fruits of wisdom, I believe that the same joy comes to His heart.
Priorities and values are basic to wisdom. The person who has a fat bankroll and all of the toys is not necessarily the winner in life. Eventually his money will fail. No, the best investments we can make are in the lives of others. Sure, they're long range. Sure it's risky. But when a heart is changed, when your children, students, trainees, or disciples 'get it', there is a great return of joy. And chances are, they will begin to increase your investment as they begin to invest themselves in the lives of others. That's the great kingdom principal that Jesus both modeled and taught.
Where is your focus today?

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