Sunday, August 31, 2008

September 1

Sep 1 - Today from Proverbs 1 we look at verse 32
"For the waywardness of the simple will kill them, and the complacency of fools will destroy them."

Verse 22 of this chapter identifies three types of people who ignore wisdom and live outside of God's purposes; the simple, the mockers, and the fools. Verse 32 only makes mention of two types; the simple and the fools. I wondered why the mockers were left out of this verse.
I think it is because we all pretty much know that mockers are not nice people. We don't worry about being God-haters who purposely stir up trouble against God and against our neighbor - after all, we are Christians. Mockers are an 'in-your-face' bunch, and everyone pretty much knows where they stand and where they will end up. Yes, we do well at identifying the mockers.
The simple and the fools? Well, their ways are much more subtle. Their errors are not found in acts of hatred and open rebellion. They look much more like you and I. They are often fun people, people with a zest for the good things in life. Their errors are not so much found in what they do - they are identified more by what they don't do. The simple are identified by their waywardness. They choose the path of least resistance in life. They attempt to live in their comfort zone as much as possible. To develop one's talents and abilities and put them into useful service for God takes effort and discipline. It often calls for one to leave their comfort zone in order to expand their ability. For the simple, it's just easier to go with the flow, to stay on the wide path. They may do little harm to others, but they are easy victims of God's enemies. Their waywardness carries them down the path to destruction.
The fools are identified by their complacency. They are a little more clever than are the simple. They have a little more ambition, but it is selfish ambition. They don't necessarily flow in the path of least resistance, they work to make a path that brings the most self-satisfaction. They also may do little harm to others - it's just that they have little concern for others. When it comes to making a choice between being a good neighbor or doing something that satisfies self, they will most often choose the latter. Fools go through the motions, doing the minimum for image's sake, but they have no compassion for God or for their neighbor. The path they labor for in life is for their own ultimate pleasure, and it takes them to the same destination as the mockers and the simple.
As parents, we all would like to see our children choose the path of wisdom. We want our children to know God in a personal relationship, and to understand God's purposes for their lives. So does our heavenly Father. He tells us in Ephesians 5:15 & 17, "Be very careful, then, how you live - not as unwise but as wise, therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will is." I can assure you that if Father wants us to understand what His will is, then He will certainly give us the ability to understand. We just have to work at seeking it out. We will not find the understanding through waywardness and complacency. We need to step out of our comfort zones now and then and see what new things the Father would have us learn and understand. Often the only way we can gain understanding is by doing. "Be doers of the word, and not hearers only." - James 1:22

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