Apr 11 - Today from Proverbs 11 we look at verse 2
"When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom."
Proverbs is a book of instruction on Godly wisdom. We constantly need instruction in this area because our natural tendencies are to follow the wisdom of this world. One can find clear definition, and clear contrast of the two kinds of wisdom in James 3:13-17. Verse 13 says, "Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom." It is a foreign concept to the natural mind that humility and wisdom abide together. Our culture has relegated humility to a negative standard. Without proper instruction from God's Word, I am afraid that we would be content to leave this attribute on the bottom of the heap of undesirable characteristics. A humble person is "first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere." (James 3:17) We may like to have people like this around to make our environment a nicer place, but when you come right down to it, I don't think that it is the kind of a person we aspire to be to 'get ahead' in life. We would rather be among the self-confident and ambitious 'movers and shakers' in this world. People like Barabbas.
Luke 23:19 tells us that Barabbas was thrown into prison for insurrection and murder. Insurrection is revolt against civil authority - in this case, Rome. A presumptuous person is one that acts over-confidently. Their confidence somehow lies within themselves. This is the meaning of the word 'pride' in our Proverbs verse. Barabbas displayed this kind of pride. He had to in order to lead a band of 'Zionist rebels' against the great Roman Empire. He got caught - but he was still a hero in the eyes of the Jews. Jesus on the other hand was meek and humble. The people loved having Him around. He made their environment a much nicer place to live. They were ready to follow Him because He claimed to be the Messiah. He would overthrow Rome and lead them back to being a world power. But then He was arrested. He didn't even speak up on His own behalf to defend Himself. He stood mute as the Roman soldiers mocked and beat Him. Barabbas would never do that! At least Barabbas fought valiantly for the people! Given a choice now, who would the people rather follow? "Give us Barabbas!" they shouted. What good are the humble when the chips are down?
We never hear of Barabbas again. As far as history reveals, he never did anything significant to change the world since then. He was released to obscurity. But Jesus. . .
Jesus changed the world. What He accomplished, He accomplished through humility. He was perfect in wisdom because He was perfect in humility. All of His confidence was in the Father, and as He continually submitted Himself to the Father's will He grew in wisdom. By the age of twelve He astounded the great theologians of His day. By the age of thirty he began a ministry that would set the example for millions of followers spanning centuries of time. By the age of thirty-three and a half He demonstrated perfect submission and perfect love by giving Himself to the cross. Three days later He proved for all time and eternity that humility is infinitely greater than pride; He rose from the dead and the Father exalted Him to the eternal throne at His right hand.
Humility is a great attribute, and the church must restore it to its rightful place. We must renew our minds through the instruction of scripture, placing all of our confidence in God. The ultimate humility for us is also found at the cross. There we are to die in Christ that we might live with Him. This is not a mystical concept - it is very practical. It is a simple two-step process called 'confession and repentance'. When we see that we are in sin in some area of our life, we are to agree with God that it is sin. This is the literal definition for confession - to agree with God. It immediately does away with all pride. Then we are to turn away from that area of sin in our life. This is the literal definition of repentance - to turn away. See how practical it is? It is all accomplished through humility. When we humble ourselves before God, He gives grace. Grace is His power to overcome.
"With humility comes wisdom." Wisdom is almost a by-product of humility. If we place our effort on being humble, wisdom will be the fruit of that effort.
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