Apr 27 - Today from Proverbs 27 we look at verse 1
"Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth."
Because the original Hebrew word for 'boast' in this passage is so peculiar, I thought it might do well to share the KJV version of the first portion of the verse, "Boast not thyself of tomorrow." With this more accurate interpretation, we will then look at the Hebrew term for boast; it is 'halal'. It literally means 'to be clear', usually referring to sound or color. A sound so clear that it is not confused with another. It is very distinct. A color so clear that it shines. We see this Hebrew word incorporated into a Hebrew term in the books of Psalms and Revelation. "HALLELUJAH!" The literal interpretation is "Praise ye Jah". 'JAH' is the sacred Name of the Lord. Halal in this instance is to make a very clear sound of praise. Not polluted with praise for any other thing. Not indistinct because of the lack of understanding or enthusiasm. It is clear because it issues from the heart of one who truly stands in awe of and worships the living Lord. Hallelujah is a clear statement of worship of the Holy God - and it has a very intimate nature.
When the term halal is used apart from Jah it bespeaks of the same type of exalted boasting. It is a holy thing to boast in the Lord. It is pride and foolishness to boast in anything else -- especially one's self. Isaiah uses the same word in Isaiah 10:15 where he writes, "Does the ax 'halal' itself above him who swings it?" The picture is worth a thousand words. Even though the ax may be very effective in accomplishing what it does, if personified it would be foolish for the ax to make plans for which tree it would cut down tomorrow.
Oh foolish ax. Oh foolish me. I may accomplish great things today, which set me to planning for more great things tomorrow. Am I not aware that I am but an instrument in the hand of my Creator? Perhaps He has other plans for me. I call Him my Lord. I sing 'Hallelujah to the Lord' in some form or another in worship each Sunday. When Monday morning comes, it is back to the real word. "Halal to myself. I will plan my day, my week, my future -- and don't worry Lord, I will include you in my plans." But, I don't even know what tomorrow may bring. "Forgive me Lord. Here is what I am planning for the future. Is this in harmony with your plan for my life? What corrections should I make? Do you have something totally different? Lord you have the power to open and close doors. Correct me in your mercy. I seek to do your will."
Christianity is not planning and living our lives by a set of rules. Christianity is not something we do on Sunday and perhaps a few times during the week at family devotion time. Christianity is a living relationship with almighty God through Jesus Christ our Lord. If the reader is married; imagine yourself planning your days, your purchases, your social calendar, your future -- without ever talking things over with your mate. What kind of relationship would that be? That is minor compared to planning your days, your purchases, your social calendar and your future without talking things over with God. Today's verse doesn't tell us not to plan for the future, it tells us to spend time with God as we look to the future. He knows what's ahead. If we place our confidence in Him, and trust that He is always looking out for our best - even when times seem to be worst - we can move forward knowing that even though He is along side of us, He is already ahead of us. And when times are good, and things seem to be going ever so smoothly; remember the picture of the ax in Isaiah 10; it is sharp, it is swift, it fells mighty trees - as long as it is secure in the hands of the woodsman. It is the woodsman's choice as to where the best use of the ax will next be served, not the ax's.
Wisdom does not boast itself of tomorrow, it boasts of the One who holds tomorrow. HALLELUJAH!
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