Friday, May 30, 2008

May 31

May 31 - Today from Proverbs 31 we look at verse 23
"Her husband is respected at the city gate, where he takes his seat among the elders of the land."

Staying in conjunction with our past meditations in this passage, we refresh ourselves with this passage from Ephesians 5:31,32; "For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. This is a profound mystery - but I am talking about Christ and the church." The analogies contained in Proverbs 31:10-31 speaks volumes about what a healthy and committed church should look like.
The city gate represents the meeting place of the civil authorities. There were large rooms at the city gates in Bible times. That's where the esteemed elders and the judges sat during the day and conducted their affairs. It is where they gathered information, where they heard grievances, and where they made policy for the welfare of the city. It was pretty much an occupation to be an elder and/or judge - just as it is an occupation to be a mayor or city counsel member today. For any of these men who were married, the order and success of their household and family business reflected on that man through the abilities of the wife. If she did well, she brought glory to her husband, and his respect was increased amongst those with whom he sat and those who were under his guidance and authority. A good leader was to carefully choose his wife for her character and ability. "Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." (v.30).
What does the modern world know about Jesus Christ? How do they evaluate the message and character of Christ? If He is not physically walking this earth, then where are they are able to observe and evaluate Him? How are they to know that He is a messenger of mercy and grace? The answer: By their observations of and dealings with His bride - the Church.
Many claim to be His disciples, but there is one certain objective indicator by which the world can know if they truly are His disciples. "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." (-Jesus, John 13:34,35). Jesus gives two more indicators in the book of John; "If anyone loves me he will obey my teaching" (14:23), and "If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit" (15:5).
If the church is to serve as the wife of noble character of the Lord Jesus Christ, then she will:
1. Display to the world her selfless love for one another.
2. Obey His commands.
3. Abide in Him and bear fruit.
Then the world will be able to see Jesus, and make the right conclusions about His message and His character.
The world will continue to observe and judge the message and character of Christ through His Church. We have a great responsibility to properly represent Him. It is impossible if we do not make our relationship with Him a first priority. His respect in the courts of the influencers of the world fully depends on their observations of the attitudes and actions of the Christian Church. She has made some huge mistakes in the past, because she was not in proper relationship with Christ and therefore did not represent His character. (The world still points to the atrocities of the Crusades. That was not the wife of noble character, and should not be characteristic of the Church today.)
If we lay claim to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, the world is watching us. Our attitudes and actions will determine how they perceive His message and His character. Thankfully, He didn't leave us to do this in our own strength. He sent His Spirit in order that His guidance and His power might be made available to us. But the choice is still up to us. We must abide in Him if we are to benefit from the fruit-bearing work of His Spirit.
Once we were unworthy, uneducated, unkempt, unscrupled, impoverished, hopelessly lost and bound slaves of ignorance and evil. Our Husband came to us and offered His own life as a ransom to free us from this hopeless estate. He removed our shame and our reputation and He elevated us to a place of honor and esteem. He gave our lives purpose and value, and He continually loves us - unconditionally. He promised He would never leave or forsake us. And for all of this, we owe Him nothing - except ourselves. Our undying love and devotion, because He first loved us. It is the love the wife has for the husband that motivates her to have his name honored and esteemed in the gate.

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